Special Offers

Special Offers

Inexpensive MICHEL catalogues directly from the publisher: Find all reference works, collectors' literature, guidebooks and other books that are no longer price-bound (in Germany) here at a bargain price!

Since the books in this category are residual items, the offer is constantly changing. The supply of several copies of the same issue can therefore not be guaranteed.


Coil Stamps Germany 2019

Coil Stamps Germany 2019

EUR 40,00 RRP EUR 79,90 you save 49.9% (EUR 39,90)

incl. 7 % VAT excl. shipping costs

ISBN: 9783954022519


Central Africa 2018/2019 OC 6.1

Central Africa 2018/2019 OC 6.1

EUR 59,00 RRP EUR 89,00 you save 33.7% (EUR 30,00)

incl. 7 % VAT excl. shipping costs

ISBN: 9783954022489

out of stock!

Germany 2018/2019

Germany 2018/2019

EUR 35,00 RRP EUR 58,00 you save 39.7% (EUR 23,00)

incl. 7 % VAT excl. shipping costs

ISBN: 9783954022472


Germany Specialized 2018 – Volume 2 (as of May 1945)

Germany Specialized 2018 – Volume 2 (as of May 1945)

EUR 35,00 RRP EUR 89,90 you save 61.1% (EUR 54,90)

incl. 7 % VAT excl. shipping costs

ISBN: 9783954022335


South and Central Arabia 2017 (OC 10.2)

South and Central Arabia 2017 (OC 10.2)

EUR 49,00 RRP EUR 89,00 you save 44.9% (EUR 40,00)

incl. 7 % VAT excl. shipping costs

ISBN: 9783954022090


Germany 2017/2018

Germany 2017/2018

EUR 25,00 RRP EUR 56,00 you save 55.4% (EUR 31,00)

incl. 7 % VAT excl. shipping costs

ISBN: 9783954022007


Handbook Plate Flaws Breast Plates

Handbook Plate Flaws Breast Plates

EUR 29,80 RRP EUR 89,00 you save 66.5% (EUR 59,20)

incl. 7 % VAT excl. shipping costs

ISBN: 9783954021536


International Pocket Book of Postal Rates

International Pocket Book of Postal Rates

EUR 7,00 RRP EUR 19,80 you save 64.6% (EUR 12,80)

incl. 7 % VAT excl. shipping costs

ISBN: 9783878581772
