Zähnungsmessgerät PERFOtronic
Inhalt:Das vollelektronische Zähnungs-Messgerät PERFOtronic bringt in Sekundenschnelle auf optisch-elektronischem Wege absolut sichere Messergebnisse für alle Briefmarken.
The measurement is made completely contact-free by means of light sensors and is therefore for the stamps without any danger.
The PERFOtronic automatically performs rounding or rounding to the nearest number of perforations specified in the catalogs in 1/4 intervals.
The processor is even able to extrapolate the number of teeth for missing or defective teeth.
Also suitable for large brands, brands with edge or roller brands
The PERFOtronic comes complete with 220V special adapter.
The measurement results are adjustable to quarter values, e.g. 14.25 (as stated in the catalogs) or - now accurate to 1/100 (e.g., 14.21)
Format: Ca. 190 x 140 x 65 mm.